Creek 53 is a conservancy trust located in Western Hudson, Quebec, Canada. For more information, visit Creek 53 Conservancy Trust - Fiducie de conservation du ruisseau 53.
There is no public access, so as to protect and preserve. But, Stéphane is a volunteer with the trust, working as a conservation photographer, recording the landscape, flora and fauna as it changes through the seasons.
The following grids display the Creek from December 2023 through August 2024.
A collection of images taken at Creek 53 in August 2024.

A collection of images taken at Creek 53 in July 2024.

A collection of images taken at Creek 53, in June 2024.

A collection of images taken at Creek 53, in May 2024.

A collection of images taken at Creek 53, from March to April 2024.

A collection of images taken at Creek 53, from January to February 2024.

A collection of images taken at Creek 53, from November to December 2023.